The Sims 4 Go to School Mod Pack - Free download …
16 May 2015 zerbu. For players who have both The Sims 4 and The Sims 4 Get to Work Expansion Pack, The Sims 4 Go to School Mod Pack allows you to Go to school mod? Is anyone currently using it? Zerbu says it's updated but I can't change the high school option on the venue list says (old) 2 Jan 2020 The Go to School Mod by Zerbu first launched back in 2015, and opened up the option to follow child and teen Sims as they went to school. Download The Sims 4: Go to School Mod Pack 4. Custom add-on by Zerbu that lets users send their Sims to various academic institutions. 3 May 2015 For players who have both The Sims 4 and The Sims 4 Get to Work Expansion Pack! Go to School Mod Pack at Zerbu image 332 Sims 4
このサイトからベースのMOD「Zerbu – Go to School Mod Pack V2.package」をダウンロードしてMODフォルダに入れるだけ。関連ファイルも同じページからダウンロード出来ます。警察、病院、研究所も同じくカスタム出来るみたいです。それはまだやってないので詳細は確認中ですが、学校MODは必 … The Sims 4 Go to School Mod Pack - Free download … The Sims 4 Go to School Mod Pack was first released on May 2015 and offered a simple event where Child and Teen Sims would go to school and complete goals which would boost their grade. This new The Sims 4 Go to School Mod Pack V4 - Tumbex Zerbu. Game mods and other content for The Sims 4! Posts . 42. Last update . 2020-01-22 23:47:22. The Sims 4 Go to School Mod Pack V4. Follow your Sims to school and help them achieve their education. Attend a different subject every day with the teacher NPC, and demonstrate your knowledge through activity goals. Bored? See the Counsellor for a boost of spirit. Want more to do? Elementary Go to School Archives - Sims Community The Sims 4 Go to School Mod: Zerbu wants your feedback! March 15, 2016. 2 Comments. Jovan Jovic. Zerbu, the creator of The Sims 4’s Go to School Mod, is currently revamping the Mod with new The Sims 4 • The Sims 4 Mods The Sims 4: Go to School Mod Pack Released. May 3, 2015. 14 Comments. Zerbu Tabek. For players who have both The Sims 4 and The Sims 4 Get to Work Expansion Pack, The
Follow your Sims to school and help them achieve their education. Attend a different The Sims 4 Go to School Mod Pack [Repost] - Zerbu Elementary Schools,. 30 Apr 2015 your lucky day because Zerbu Tabek, a fellow simmer and a mod creator, published info about an awesome mod pack called 'Go To School'! 16 May 2015 zerbu. For players who have both The Sims 4 and The Sims 4 Get to Work Expansion Pack, The Sims 4 Go to School Mod Pack allows you to Go to school mod? Is anyone currently using it? Zerbu says it's updated but I can't change the high school option on the venue list says (old) 2 Jan 2020 The Go to School Mod by Zerbu first launched back in 2015, and opened up the option to follow child and teen Sims as they went to school. Download The Sims 4: Go to School Mod Pack 4. Custom add-on by Zerbu that lets users send their Sims to various academic institutions.
3 May 2015 For players who have both The Sims 4 and The Sims 4 Get to Work Expansion Pack! Go to School Mod Pack at Zerbu image 332 Sims 4
11/04/2019 · But she misses the Get To School mod. I think I'll use the Zerbu mod to tie the rabbit holes into stuff I specifically want in my game. Like I want the bookstore in the library, and I want a the bookstore employees to work in the library. (I'm a librarian.. so its a thing for me) If I ever buy the Store restaurant or bakery premium content, or the movie theater, I'll zerbu-fy that up too. Sims 4 - Go To School | Sims4Fr - Communauté sur les Sims HI Aujourd'hui je vous propose un sondage sur le mod "Go To School" proposé par Zerbu. Alooooorsss ça vous diiitttt ??? Let's GO. Donc le sondage le voici : Quel est votre atelier préféré ? Que choisissez-vous entre l'atelier bricolage et l'atelier musique ? Ou encore l'atelier d'informatique ? C'est votre choix Je laisse le sondage jusqu'à la semaine prochaine Plein de bisous Installer le mod Les Sims 4 à l’école - FortunaTelyne Installer le mod Les Sims 4 à l’école Le mod « Les Sims 4 à l’école » créer par Zerbu permet d’emmener vos Sims à l’école; les petits à l’école primaire, et les grand au collège ! J’ai décidé de rédiger un tutoriel pour l’installation de ce mod en plusieurs points.
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